Ten Food Blogs You Should Be Reading, But Might Not Know About

Its hard to believe, but it seems that food blogs are getting even more popular each year. We see a lot of them here at PBS Food, so we wanted to share some of the best blogs you may not have discovered yet. Don’t see your favorite? Check our 2012 and 2011 lists and let us know in the comments.

Kitchen Confidante

Source: Kitchen Confidante

Kitchen Confidante is authored by Liren Baker, mother of two based in the Bay Area. Her blog focuses on the recipes and food stories centered around her family and friends and the importance food plays in them. She also explores the wonderful artisan food scene that the Bay Area offers.

Visit the blog.

Baking Bites

Source: Baking Bites

Nicole Weston, a Los Angeles-based pastry chef, food writer and recipe developer, is the creator of Baking Bites. We love that in addition to her great recipes and photos, the site features “How To’s and Tips” and “Tools and Gadgets” sections. Too many food blogs offer just a recipe, Baking Bites helps you learn how to bake and give you extra confidence in the kitchen.

Visit the blog.

For the Love of the South

Source: For the Love of the South

2013 has been a great year for Southern cooking — from John Besh to Sean Brock to A Chef’s Life. For the Love of the South is one of our favorite blogs about Southern food. Written by Amber Wilson, the site presents simple recipes and beautiful photos that truly capture the essence of the best ingredients that Southern cooking offers.
